Major Williams believes transparency is critical to leading a public service team. He is known for speaking truthfully and candidly, even on tough topics, in his various positions, news conferences, and with teams and staff.
Jerry Williams was selected to serve as an internal investigator when he was promoted to rank of First Sergeant in 2007. This esteemed position in internal affairs included Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) investigations.
Former Gary Mayor Jerome Prince approached Superintendent Doug Carter from the Indiana State Police requesting technical assistance with an assessment and recommendations on the restructuring of the Gary Police Department. This request was agreed to by Superintendent Carter and Indiana Governor Eric Holcomb which turned into a total of an 18-month process of collaboration between the Indiana State Police and the City of Gary. Superintendent Carter assigned Major Jerry Williams to coordinate and lead these efforts. This 18-month process included where Major Williams was asked to take a six-month leave of absence from the Indiana State Police to serve as the Interim Chief of the Gary Police Department.
Some of the areas of focus of this technical assessment, included but not limited to, were the hiring process, organization & performance, promotional process, standard operating procedures, facilities, fleet management, investigations, patrol, non-sworn personnel, training, technology, and community engagement.
He was honored for his 34-year career in law enforcement and his willingness to go above and beyond the call of duty with the key to the city accolade.
“Jerry Williams is my hero, and he’s my brother. And again, I’m just so crazy proud of him and proud of his family and proud of what he stands for,” said State Police Superintendent Douglas G. Carter.